Nepenthe is a drug described in Homer’s odyssey which banishes grief or trouble from a person’s mind. There are days when I yearn for the golden urn, with the somber colored liquid, with the magic of Nepenthe mixed in it. There are other days, which I do not want to end as if there isContinue reading “Nepenthe”
Category Archives: Happiness
We all look forward to a weekend of repose, quietness, inertness as if the rest of the week was an encumbrance. Requiescence is what we look for on weekends. Somehow once our our desire of a quiet weekend is fulfilled, it leads to a feeling of superfluousness and squandering away our life. Should our goalContinue reading “Requiescence”
I cherish the memories of singing a lullaby often to my children when they were young as they went to sleep they would at times lull me into peaceful sleep as I sang to my son and daughter. At first, there would be a hint of a smile on their face. They would visibly relaxContinue reading “Lullaby”
I woke up earlier than usual last Tuesday. I tried but could not go back to sleep. It was still dark outside. I made some mint tea and along with my dog sat outside awaiting the Sun. The birds were waking up too and the chirping got louder with every passing minute. The dog restedContinue reading “Idyllic”
We all ruminate over the pros and cons of all the actions that we take in our lives. Sometimes we don’t and act spontaneously. Are the decisions taken after days of rumination any better than the decisions that are taken which appeal to our hearts rather than our minds? Does rumination result in taking aContinue reading “Ruminate”
Everyone has someone or something that they cherish. It could be our home, our family, or our prized possessions. The word cherish means to cultivate with care and affection. I remember the first bicycle that I got as a birthday gift. It was a beaten-down bike that perhaps cost a few dollars. I got aContinue reading “Cherish”
I got out of bed this morning with a lot of apprehension in my heart. I had a meeting today related to some legal issues. I tried to get back to sleep before the sun arose but I couldn’t. The day had not even begun and I wanted it to be over. At the conclusionContinue reading “Mellifluous”
Cardinals are bright red birds with some unique characteristics. They mate for life and both the males and females sing to their mate during challenging weather and troubling times. Symbolically they stand for monogamy, devotion, and loving relationships in a lot of cultures. Some cultures believe that when you see a cardinal, the angels areContinue reading “Cardinal”
We would all agree that the state of Felicity is what we all yearn for. Do we get there or does it come to us? If we actively seek a state of Felicity, the result is probably the exact opposite and probably leads to a lot of despair. Actively working towards this goal unlike theContinue reading “Felicity”
Nothing in life, good or bad, is permanent. There is no thought, event, emotion, thing, or being that is permanent. Impermanence is the rule. The elation or pain of impermanence is the meaning of existence itself. That is what ‘feeling alive’ is all about. There is nothing that can be held onto given that allContinue reading “Impermanence”