Nepenthe is a drug described in Homer’s odyssey which banishes grief or trouble from a person’s mind. There are days when I yearn for the golden urn, with the somber colored liquid, with the magic of Nepenthe mixed in it. There are other days, which I do not want to end as if there is Nepenthe is woven into the fabric of the day itself. I guess life is bittersweet. I have looked hard for a commonality for all the happy days, and sad. I have found none. Neither have I found a Nepenthe. I have had trips to Disneyland, the happiest place on earth, which turned out to be Nepenthe personified. However, there was one trip when smiles came hard. There is a real possibility that the good and bad days have nothing to do with the day itself, but how I interact or react to it. This truth about life is very perplexing and baffle’s me. It is also very disconcerting. However, there is this thought which has helped me come to terms with it. I cannot protect myself from sadness if I do not protect myself from happiness……