I got out of bed this morning with a lot of apprehension in my heart. I had a meeting today related to some legal issues. I tried to get back to sleep before the sun arose but I couldn’t. The day had not even begun and I wanted it to be over. At the conclusion of the meeting, I was feeling sorry for myself as to why my life was the way it was. I came home and watched the news to distract myself and to catch up with what was happening in the world around me. By the afternoon I felt paralyzed with all that was wrong with my life. I tried to read a book but failed to focus. A dear friend of mine came over and we shared a cold bottle of water and talked. He tells me about how he was talking to his young son over dinner and was trying to explain to him that the main principle of life is love. All else is false. We as humans are wired to give and receive love. He left me thinking. Any other emotion including hate, envy, anger, vengeance corrodes the vessel it is contained in. Am I the corrosive influence in my life? I then remembered that earlier in the day, my mother had called me to check on me. I talked to her for 30 seconds and then hung up stating that I was busy. Now I remembered her mellifluous voice. Then I remembered that my wife and I were conversing as we were having tea in the morning. I do not remember what she was saying but remember being irritated because I was in no mood to converse. Now I remember her voice during that conversation to be mellifluous. I now remember the mellifluous demeanor of the lawyer as he told me that all will be good because the truth is on my side. On my way back home, I had stopped at a bank, and the teller and I had a mellifluous interaction although both of us were wearing a mask. And then my friend comes out of the blue and we talk about the principle of love. A mellifluous voice is described as sweet-sounding and flowing with honey. My day was full of honey too but my perception poisoned it. Bad emotions or perceptions after all corrode the vessel they are contained in. I have actually had a mellifluous day and wish you the same……