I woke up earlier than usual last Tuesday. I tried but could not go back to sleep. It was still dark outside. I made some mint tea and along with my dog sat outside awaiting the Sun. The birds were waking up too and the chirping got louder with every passing minute. The dog rested his head on me in quiet contentment. Soon enough the sky lit up with an Idyllic sunrise, so happy, peaceful, and picturesque. There was rejoicing in the air and within. Every day starts the same way. Where have I been? Subsequently, I took a long shower. As I dressed up for the day, there was an urge to make my closet, which I had purged recently, idyllic. It took me 2 days to discard stuff that I did not need but was attached to, leading my nest to be thorny and not lined with soft feathers. I finally accomplished the goal last evening and created an idyllic closet, not by adding anything but subtracting a lot. I woke up before sunrise today and brewed a hot cup of mint tea. As the Sun rose, the birds sang louder and louder. For the first time in my life, I sang with them…….