Where do we live most of the time. Where do we spend most of our life? Is it in our house, at work, in our relationships? Is it in our passions, hobbies or travel? Unfortunately it is in none of the many places where we ought to live our lives. We live in our minds.Continue reading “Abode”
Category Archives: Happiness

Mindfulness is probably the most common practice that the whole world seems to be indulging in. You check out Amazon and will be overwhelmed by the number of books which promise to take you on this journey. There are meditation apps with millions of users. Everyone who practices it, swears by it. Has this movementContinue reading “Mindfulness”

A delusion is a fixed belief, that is not amenable to change, in light of conflicting evidence. It is considered to be a pathological mental state. Science has proven time and again that happiness does not increase after a certain amount of income annually is realized. Most of us continue to try to acquire increasingContinue reading “Delusion”

Hamilton the play is a beautiful conflation of historical figures, hip hop, musical, emotions, pageantry and drama. It all comes together. The fusion of so many art forms and historical figures, make it appeal to all the senses and generations. Given the reality of the pandemic , that we are living in, all our activitiesContinue reading “Conflation”

A ship sails smoothly only if the whole crew says ‘aye aye captain’ . When you are in something together, the solution lies in working together. If only some people took vaccines, no disease could have been eradicated and people would still have been dying of small pox. Skyscrapers are erected as scores of workersContinue reading “Aye”

A diamond is forever. Right? Let’s say you buy something precious like jewelry, an expensive watch, a yacht. Does your desire to buy anything more get satisfied? Do you desire no more? If you have something that is very precious, then why would you want more of it? If you feel and hold your marriageContinue reading “Precious”

I met a young man last night, an idealist who made me realize how far I have come from my own vision of how I wanted my life to be, and am worse off because of that. Kingdoms by their very definition were evil in nature as they existed in the service of the King,Continue reading “Selfdom”

There is a new mantra that has percolated into our society. It is about self-love, self-esteem, self-regard, self-worth. They say that if you don’t love yourself, nobody else will. Not only that, you won’t be good at loving anyone else. Loving starts with the self. How misguided this advice is. It is responsible for soContinue reading “Self-Esteem”

There is so much that we have in life to cherish. Although I lost my father decades ago, I revere the memories of the big breakfasts he would cook for us, Sunday mornings and tight hugs he would hold me in, and my attempts to get out of his hugs although I had no intentionContinue reading “Cherish”

We all have embraced a lot of changes as we live through this Pandemic. Our whole life has changed in such a dramatic fashion. It has not been easy, but it has not been that difficult either. It has caused death and financial hardships for many which is heartbreaking. On the brighter side, the daysContinue reading “Embrace”