Where do we live most of the time. Where do we spend most of our life? Is it in our house, at work, in our relationships? Is it in our passions, hobbies or travel? Unfortunately it is in none of the many places where we ought to live our lives. We live in our minds. We live in our own erroneous interpretation of our lives. We end up giving importance to things that give us grief and tend to minimize the experiences and thoughts that give us joy.We may be sitting on the beach with the ocean sending us waves to play in, but we choose to worry about our jobs or fret over a sour relationship. A friend may call us at that time and we will go into great lengths to tell them that we are in paradise and having the best time of our lives. The minute the call finishes, we go back to our minds,dwell on the call we just received, our friendship, perhaps an unintended comment that we add malice to, wondering if our friend is truly happy for us and so on. We watch the News and seek out only the bad events, violence, accidents and war. And then we go back to our minds and paint the whole world as being in turmoil while ignoring all the good and joy in this world. Then we get tired of the abode we have created for ourselves and try to shun it in vain.How about living in a house where there is acceptance of Life just the way it is, the ups and downs, the joyful and ugly moments. All of it. Just the way it is. The fact is that every moment of our life is complete in itself. It asks for nothing. It demands nothing. Most of the time , it just gives us joy if we are only willing to receive it. After all , we live in our minds most of our life. It is up to us if we want to make it a heavenly abode…