I met a young man last night, an idealist who made me realize how far I have come from my own vision of how I wanted my life to be, and am worse off because of that. Kingdoms by their very definition were evil in nature as they existed in the service of the King, an individual. Kingdoms are far gone, at the hands of collectivism, which focused on what was best for all. We have lost our way again as we lapsed into selfdom’s. Selfdom is not a word that I have formulated. It is a part of the english language which means the ‘realm of the self’. Kingdom’s have given way to selfdom’s where it is all about individualism. It is all about the self, often at the expense of the society that we live in. Kings could at times be benevolent but selfdom’s by their very definition cannot be. Perhaps youth has a streak of idealism that fades away because of the way our society is structured. At least that is what happened to me. My parents, as most do, brushed it off as a phase of utopian delusion of mine. No wonder suicides and loneliness are rampant in the world today, and immense wealth and abject poverty live side by side, with disdain for each other and not even glimpse of understanding. What have I become? Perhaps high divorce rates , broken relationships, high suicide rates are also a victim of the selfdom nature of our world. All relationships need the oxygen of collective rather than individualistic breaths. A lot of our War veterans, whom we hail during the wars, when they fight for us and lose limbs, languish on the streets, suffering from our collective selfdom myopia. Belonging to a collective, with shared love, does not even allow you to be melancholic. Seldom does selfdom lead to company, or a meaningful relationship or even an encounter. Perhaps most of us do not know who or what we are and are therefore happy……….