I cherish the memories of singing a lullaby often to my children when they were young as they went to sleep they would at times lull me into peaceful sleep as I sang to my son and daughter. At first, there would be a hint of a smile on their face. They would visibly relaxContinue reading “Lullaby”
Category Archives: Aspiration
I am new to the game of golf. It is a frustrating game, to say the least when you are not playing well and lose a dozen balls. You hit the ball and it soars into the sky only to land in the rough and will never be retrieved. And then you hit an amazingContinue reading “Intimacy”
I have had this feeling of unfocused dread or deep anxiety all day today about the human condition and the state of the world in general. It is mixed with frustration and apprehension. None of these feelings existed yesterday but the human condition and the state of the world are about the same today asContinue reading “Angst”
We are all familiar with the five basic senses of sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch. The senses are defined as the process during which the sensory system of our body responds to external stimuli. Being able to see a bird in flight or the dewdrops glistening in the early morning sun is such aContinue reading “Senses”
I got out of bed this morning with a lot of apprehension in my heart. I had a meeting today related to some legal issues. I tried to get back to sleep before the sun arose but I couldn’t. The day had not even begun and I wanted it to be over. At the conclusionContinue reading “Mellifluous”
We would all agree that the state of Felicity is what we all yearn for. Do we get there or does it come to us? If we actively seek a state of Felicity, the result is probably the exact opposite and probably leads to a lot of despair. Actively working towards this goal unlike theContinue reading “Felicity”
Hello world!
I am a man in my mid 50’s. A physician by training, I work in corporate America. By all accounts, I am a successful person but I feel an emptiness that has become more pronounced as I get older as I am sure that a lot of us do. At the same time, I feelContinue reading “Hello world!”