I love a clean dining table with no utensils, food or dust with the chairs tucked in place and everything is orderly. However there is something very alluring about waking up after a late night with friends at home and the dining table has stains, remnants of food all over, and the chairs in disarray.Continue reading “Allure”
Category Archives: Art of living
There is a new mantra that has percolated into our society. It is about self-love, self-esteem, self-regard, self-worth. They say that if you don’t love yourself, nobody else will. Not only that, you won’t be good at loving anyone else. Loving starts with the self. How misguided this advice is. It is responsible for soContinue reading “Self-Esteem”
Since the dawn of humans, they have been making weapons. The early weapons may have been sharp stones. The weapons continued to evolve from knives and spears to guns and missiles. That did not prove to be enough and there are now nuclear weapons and chemical warfare. The variety and the number of weapons areContinue reading “Armaments”
Our life is made up of a string of ephemeral moments, thoughts, emotions, events and relationships. The present moment is now gone and the coming moment will be in the shadow of the following moment as soon as it dawns. That is the cursory nature of time itself. The past is the past. The presentContinue reading “Epheremal”
We all look forward to a weekend of repose, quietness, inertness as if the rest of the week was an encumbrance. Requiescence is what we look for on weekends. Somehow once our our desire of a quiet weekend is fulfilled, it leads to a feeling of superfluousness and squandering away our life. Should our goalContinue reading “Requiescence”
I woke up earlier than usual last Tuesday. I tried but could not go back to sleep. It was still dark outside. I made some mint tea and along with my dog sat outside awaiting the Sun. The birds were waking up too and the chirping got louder with every passing minute. The dog restedContinue reading “Idyllic”
I have been gathering the courage to publish this specific blog given its substance. I am told that I am weird because death does not make me sad. I do not dread or fear my own demise. Because of a promise I made to myself in Medical School, I have attended a lot of funeralsContinue reading “Demise”
We are all physically alone now along with our near and dear ones but the journey of life continues. Half of the year 2020 is behind us. I have no plans to visit friends, attend a meeting, go to a restaurant, or even planning a vacation. The world outside our homes looks forsaken. A lotContinue reading “Forsaken”
Cardinals are bright red birds with some unique characteristics. They mate for life and both the males and females sing to their mate during challenging weather and troubling times. Symbolically they stand for monogamy, devotion, and loving relationships in a lot of cultures. Some cultures believe that when you see a cardinal, the angels areContinue reading “Cardinal”
Prudence by its very definition is the ability to govern and discipline oneself by the use of reason. Does exhibiting Prudence at all times lead us to live a better life or does it prevent us from living a full life? Does it prevent us from being spontaneous, take away from the moment because weContinue reading “Prudence”