I have been gathering the courage to publish this specific blog given its substance. I am told that I am weird because death does not make me sad. I do not dread or fear my own demise. Because of a promise I made to myself in Medical School, I have attended a lot of funerals of my patients over the decades. They give me a glance into their lives rather than their sickness at the end, which I find uplifting. Birth is the starting point and death is the finish line of life. Some are short and some are long. Death is a culmination of a life. If a person’s life enhanced other lives and sprinkled some joy into this world, then that is a life well-lived. Their death is a celebration of a wonderful existence. Where is the grief in that? If a person leads a life that brought misery and sadness to the people around them and the world, we all are better without them. Our society does not permit us to talk ill of the dead. We fake the goodness of their existence even when they are not worthy of it. When and how and with who do we talk to, or listen, about the reality of our lives? There are people I know, as well as public and historical figures I read about, who have given a lot of misery to the world. They led a woeful existence. Death did not come to them early enough and when it did, it is not a reason for mourning. The abundant suffering in this world makes me very sad. Suffering due to poverty, events, callousness, the disease is what I mourn, but not death. My mother was joyful when I was born and not downcast that I missed out on all the previous years and decades which I missed out because I was born too late. In death, we will miss out on the years to come. We make life about death. Why do we not strive to make life about living a worthy existence while it lasts? We are like a paper boat in the ocean waves and still worry about tomorrow. Our today is the tomorrow that we were worried about yesterday. We have made death a regretful event while a lot of lives are regretfully left to be stingingly painful. We have a lot of feelings and dread about death. What about life? If we all devote our energy to a better life, demise would be the finish of a contended existence. That does not sound so bad. We worry so much in life about a life that is temporary. Death is not and should not be something to seek… All attempts should be made to preserve life. When a meaningful life is not possible, death should be welcome. What you seek is seeking you. In life and death…….