Whether we are the world, a nation, society, community, nature, friendship, family or an individual, we all need the force of rejuvenation to propel us forward. Rejuvenation involves reverting to the original or a new stimulative state. This allows us to leave behind the corrosion that we acquire with time, so that it does not erode the future. This involves discarding the present so that we can see and preserve the future. We as a nation or a society, or even as an individual want to live in the comfort of the constant, where not much changes. Most of the time , rejuvenation comes from a change that it is thrust upon us. A destruction or revolution. Maybe tragedy or loss. A job loss for an individual. Rejuvenation without it being thrust upon us would be ideal. Rejuvenation is not about suppressing, quenching or extinguishing . It is about reviving, restoring and recreating better. To improve is to change…….