Eudaimonia is a greek word with a meaning which is so profound that Philosophers struggle to define it. Aristotle tried to describe it as the “highest good for human beings” and identified it with living well and faring well with being happy. Plato describes the word Eudaimonia to mean “The good composed of all goods; an ability which suffices for living well; perfection in respect of virtue; resources sufficient for a living creature”. Aristotle also talked about the Eudaimon life as “virtuous activity in accordance with reason”. I am not even close to being a philosopher and the essence of the word to me means “living well”. The question then arises as to what living well means and whether it is the same of different for all individuals. Everyone’s life experiences are different, so perhaps what “living well” entails is also very personal and evolves with life itself. I am in no position to talk about this besides what it means to me. The question arises as to why should we even want to seek Eudaimonia? True peace and joy can only be achieved if our goal is to have the Eudaimon life. Therefore this goal is a means to an end. Only a good life can lead to happiness and joy. This is in contrast to thinking that a good career, meditation, fame, money and contentment gives happiness. How we choose to and end up leading our lives is the only way to be joyful. If we “live well” , that is joy personified. All the meditation in the world cannot lead to peace unless we are”living well”. Good running shoes cannot make us run. The most expensive car in the world cannot help us learn how to drive. A guitar cannot make music. I can drown or swim in a lake. The lake offers nothing but contains everything. Certain activities cannot make me joyful. Fulfilling actions, relationships and thoughts will perhaps equate to “living well”. The ancients were wise. The cloak of modernity is perhaps looking for joy and happiness outside of us and bits within us which is a fallacy. I have a lot more thinking to do but I know what the goal is. It is about the mind, body and soul being in harmony…….