As I look at the world today, or into the history of humans, oppression has been a part of it. Humanity has lived in the shadow of oppression, which takes on various forms. Oppression manifests itself in racism, violence, injustice, discrimination, mental abuse, economic disparity, educational disparity, nationalism, religious discrimination, casteism and host of other means. I do not know of another form of organism besides humans, which is oppressive. A lion does not kill 3 animals because it can , but eat only one. A tiger does not kill a Deer because the Deer is not a Tiger. An African Rhino will never kill an Indian Rhino because they belong to different regions. Our intellect gives us the capability to be oppressive to all creatures. What I fail to understand is how does our intellect allow us to be oppressive. Mankind across the globe is divided into the oppressive and the oppressed. I observe the same pattern within any country, society and families. How could humans be so inhuman? Could it be the yearning for power, greed, jealousy and the need for superiority which inflicts a lot of mankind that makes them oppressive? Perhaps it is the hollowness and empty nature of their own lives which they attempt to numb by being cruel to others. It is so unfortunate that a big chunk of our society look up to the oppressive and look down upon the oppressed. Oppression cannot be allowed to become the new normal. Peace cannot and should not coexist with oppression……..