We all have embraced a lot of changes as we live through this Pandemic. Our whole life has changed in such a dramatic fashion. It has not been easy, but it has not been that difficult either. It has caused death and financial hardships for many which is heartbreaking. On the brighter side, the days are not as hectic, evenings are calmer and nights are restful. Life has fallen into a new rhythm. We have recast our daily lives. There is more concern for each other in our conversations. We worry about our neighbors. Embracing the inevitable changes in existence, makes life more bountiful. If we embrace our problems, solutions come easier. Embracing a friend, brings about a certain lightness. Embrace an enemy and the pettiness of life usually melts away. Every time I get a loving embrace from my children, I melt into it. Any form of embrace, happy or painful, elevates us. Ecstasy follows when you embrace life……