There was a time when I was enthused by Politics. I was naive enough to think that being involved in politics was a noble, selfless expression of love for the people and the society we live in and a chance to uplift us all. There is an indefinable languor that has consumed me in this presidential cycle and politics in general around the world. The politicians are supposed to serve the people as well as understand their frustrations and aspirations. Children know that their parents always have their best interest at heart. Politicians are supposed to work towards the best interest of the people at large. How far away we have come away from those ideals. Politicians of all shades have a pre conceived ideology of what they want the society to adhere to. They believe that they know best and the collective wisdom of the people is to be ignored and perhaps stupid. Being elected is not a chance to serve the people but has become a career option, having drunk the potion of reckless power and the goal of coloring the society in the color of their own cape. This virus has crept into all sorts of leadership positions including the world of religions and institutions large and small. The people have become spectators of the leaders fighting it out with each other. The leaders recruit the people to be a part of these fights at the expense of the greater good which is supposed to be the sole purpose of the elected representatives. I want to believe that there are still some utopian visionary people in active politics out there who have not left the political arena because of the languorous state of affairs. Who is to blame for this state of affairs? My own lassitude, indolence and torpor to this state of affairs along with the rest of the society is responsible for this. You and I are the culprit. As Mahatma Gandhi said, “Be the change that you want to see in the world”……..