You are unhappy, but you are expected to laugh. You are scared, but you are expected to not act scared. You are angry but supposed to act calm. There are aggressive, unreasonable people out there whose behavior is tolerated by the rest of us because we are expected to act reasonably. We have armor thatContinue reading “Vulnerability”
Category Archives: Peace
Since the dawn of humans, they have been making weapons. The early weapons may have been sharp stones. The weapons continued to evolve from knives and spears to guns and missiles. That did not prove to be enough and there are now nuclear weapons and chemical warfare. The variety and the number of weapons areContinue reading “Armaments”
We all have embraced a lot of changes as we live through this Pandemic. Our whole life has changed in such a dramatic fashion. It has not been easy, but it has not been that difficult either. It has caused death and financial hardships for many which is heartbreaking. On the brighter side, the daysContinue reading “Embrace”
Tranquility is a state of mind. That is what we seek and want. The absence of it is attributed to is lack of the things we want in life or the cohesiveness we seek in life itself. When we think Tranquility, a lot of emotions come to mind which would lead us to a tranquilContinue reading “Tranquility”
I cherish the memories of singing a lullaby often to my children when they were young as they went to sleep they would at times lull me into peaceful sleep as I sang to my son and daughter. At first, there would be a hint of a smile on their face. They would visibly relaxContinue reading “Lullaby”
I have been gathering the courage to publish this specific blog given its substance. I am told that I am weird because death does not make me sad. I do not dread or fear my own demise. Because of a promise I made to myself in Medical School, I have attended a lot of funeralsContinue reading “Demise”
We all ruminate over the pros and cons of all the actions that we take in our lives. Sometimes we don’t and act spontaneously. Are the decisions taken after days of rumination any better than the decisions that are taken which appeal to our hearts rather than our minds? Does rumination result in taking aContinue reading “Ruminate”
The journey of our life is consumed by trying to get out of the entangled mess that we create for ourselves. Unlike the insects which get caught in a spider’s web, we create the web for ourselves and once we get caught in it, we expend all our energy trying to get out of it.Continue reading “Entangled”
We are all looking for an elixir. Actually, we are all looking for an elixir for every issue, big and small in our lives. Everyone in the whole world is looking for an elixir against Covid-19 currently. We argue about which political structure or leader is the right elixir for the various issues, social orContinue reading “Elixir”
Cardinals are bright red birds with some unique characteristics. They mate for life and both the males and females sing to their mate during challenging weather and troubling times. Symbolically they stand for monogamy, devotion, and loving relationships in a lot of cultures. Some cultures believe that when you see a cardinal, the angels areContinue reading “Cardinal”