Society does not condone servitude but is still ridden with it. Our leaders are supposed to be in the service of the people, but a lot of them service themselves. A bank is supposed to take care of the people who trust them with their money and not the top brass of the bank industry.Continue reading “Servitude”
Category Archives: Hope
Through the history of mankind, humans have wanted to feel safe. That is what drives human behavior. Aggression can also be an expression of feeling unsafe. Forts with tall walls and moats were constructed for people within to feel safe. Armed Enemy forces would lay siege in order to capture it or force them toContinue reading “Besieged”
Throughout our life, we get bruised as well as bruise others. The bruises that do not bleed, nor cause pain, but hurt the most. I do not know if those wounds ever heal, they probably fade, but lie just below the surface. They all start bubbling, each time there is a fresh wound. There isContinue reading “Bruise”
Parapet walls have been built for ages. They were used to defend cities and kingdoms from enemy attack. It could be a rampart, elevation of earth or large boulders. They must have given a sense of security to the population within. It served as as bastion of confinement, given the fear of the outside. TimesContinue reading “Parapet”
During these times of isolation, I have been cultivating and growing a lot of vegetables. The success has been limited but immensely rewarding. I tilled the soil, made manure out of kitchen waste, planted the seeds, watered with regularity, and was rewarded with eggplants, chilies, tomatoes, rosemary, and a total of only 6 amazing peaContinue reading “Cultivate”
There is a certain wistfulness when I think of my childhood home. It was much less of a home with not even a fraction of the conveniences of our present home. It was a tiny house but lives very large in my memory. There has always been a hiraeth in me to return there. ThereContinue reading “Hiraeth”
I have had this feeling of unfocused dread or deep anxiety all day today about the human condition and the state of the world in general. It is mixed with frustration and apprehension. None of these feelings existed yesterday but the human condition and the state of the world are about the same today asContinue reading “Angst”
Eternity is usually thought of as an infinite amount of time or forever. Eternity in my opinion is probably something that is outside the preview of time. An infinite amount of time has to be finite since everything changes with time, even the cosmos. How could anything be everlasting if the ‘within’ is changing allContinue reading “Eternity”
As an individual and as a society we continue to seek a panacea which is a solution or remedy for all difficulties or diseases. Some people try to find a panacea for all their difficulties in life through alcohol or drugs. They are sadly mistaken. There have been several legislations which was supposed to beContinue reading “Panacea”
We humans have become inured to inhuman behavior. We are now inured to violence at schools and injustice of all sorts in society at large. We have created a society where 800,000 people die due to suicide every year and are one of the leading causes of death in 15-29 year-olds. We have become inuredContinue reading “Inured”