Through the history of mankind, humans have wanted to feel safe. That is what drives human behavior. Aggression can also be an expression of feeling unsafe. Forts with tall walls and moats were constructed for people within to feel safe. Armed Enemy forces would lay siege in order to capture it or force them to surrender by cutting away their access to the world which nourishes us. People within the society felt safe and the enemy was outside. The forts and moats are gone and stand as ancient monuments. Enemies do not surround our towns or cities. But in modern society , we all feel besieged as the ancients must have when they were surrounded by enemies. How has this come to pass? Why are so many people feeling besieged and surrounded by people who they believe have ill will against them? The looming elections in a democratic country like ours has taken on the color of a battle, within our society, where the politicians spout fear of everyone who is not like-minded. Racial differences should drive conversation which enrich everyone. Economic disparities have created wedges within the society like the forts of the old. The perceived enemy is within. The key here is that the enemy is perceived and not real. That is where the problem lies and this is exactly where the solution is. Lack of civility in public discourse accentuates differences and creates fear. What is missing is the politeness and courtesy in behavior and conversations leading to the perception of being besieged. If only we have leaders who have civility and want to strengthen the fabric of society rather than lay it bare as a tool to be in power. We should talk to our perceived enemies. Each of those conversations will prove that they are not our foe but friend who aspire to the same decency in our collective lives. Our larger society at large should not succumb to the mischief of the few. We all should fight for equality of opportunity but not sameness………