I have felt a general air of malaise in the recent past, which explains any new posts on my blog for so long. The feeling of malaise drifted away over the last week, which left me thinking- what caused the malaise in the first place? Not much has changed in my life or circumstance. TheContinue reading “Malaise”
Category Archives: Art of living
Rejuvenation-Life changing measures
Whether we are the world, a nation, society, community, nature, friendship, family or an individual, we all need the force of rejuvenation to propel us forward. Rejuvenation involves reverting to the original or a new stimulative state. This allows us to leave behind the corrosion that we acquire with time, so that it does notContinue reading “Rejuvenation-Life changing measures”
Trust is a firm belief in the character, strength, or truth of someone or something.It is about faith in someone or something. We all have had the pleasure of a trusting relationship which makes you feel secure and happy. Unfortunately I have also felt the stab of people whom you trust, but they were notContinue reading “Trust”
We have designed a few days in a year, that we celebrate. It may vary between cultures and countries, but the specific days for the festivities are set aside. Today is Thanksgiving day. Families across the country, will get together, around the dinner table. The cohesiveness of the families will be celebrated and tested. WeContinue reading “Celebration”
A ship sails smoothly only if the whole crew says ‘aye aye captain’ . When you are in something together, the solution lies in working together. If only some people took vaccines, no disease could have been eradicated and people would still have been dying of small pox. Skyscrapers are erected as scores of workersContinue reading “Aye”
An anniversary is just a recurrence of the date of a past event. My year is full of anniversaries. Some of them stand out more than others. The death of my father and brother. The birth of my son and daughter. I had a violent episode happen to me decades ago. The anniversary of thatContinue reading “Voyage”
It was my 8th birthday. I remember that sometime during the evening, I was surrounded by elders. I got a large bar of chocolate. I decided that I will eat only one square a day so that it lasts me a long time. I was gifted some money which I pocketed with glee. A lotContinue reading “Forge”
The smell of petrichor is always so enticing. It is the bark, musty smell of fresh rain fallen on the dry earth. The rain quenches the thirst of the earth and the accompanying petrichor, makes me take deep breaths, which makes my senses dance in abandon and glee. I look in all directions for aContinue reading “Petrichor”
A diamond is forever. Right? Let’s say you buy something precious like jewelry, an expensive watch, a yacht. Does your desire to buy anything more get satisfied? Do you desire no more? If you have something that is very precious, then why would you want more of it? If you feel and hold your marriageContinue reading “Precious”
Parapet walls have been built for ages. They were used to defend cities and kingdoms from enemy attack. It could be a rampart, elevation of earth or large boulders. They must have given a sense of security to the population within. It served as as bastion of confinement, given the fear of the outside. TimesContinue reading “Parapet”