I have felt a general air of malaise in the recent past, which explains any new posts on my blog for so long. The feeling of malaise drifted away over the last week, which left me thinking- what caused the malaise in the first place? Not much has changed in my life or circumstance. The answer became self evident to me as the dense cloud of melancholy melted into the sunshine. My life has been on cruise control , albeit in a good direction. However I do not want to disappear into oblivion while on cruise control. I want to change direction and do something more meaningful with the rest of my life. Switching off a comfortable life to an uncomfortable life, seeking new and more fulfilling horizons is what I am seeking. The state of malaise has led to a sense of vigor with endless possibilities. Who says that uneasiness and malaise is bad? It leads us to explore ourselves more deeply than ever before. In order to cure a feeling of malaise, you have to throw light on it……