The facts about World War 2 speak for themselves. Animals have never fought wars. The condition of man, is a condition of war, of everyone against everyone. Here are some of the human facts about the war.

An estimated 70-85 million humans perished because of the war, which represents 3% of the world’s population at that time. More than 50% of the people who died were citizens of Soviet Union and China. 19-28 million of the deaths were caused by war related disease and famine.

The genocide perpetuated on the European Jews between 1941 and 1945 systematically murdered 6 million Jews. Dr Josef Mengele, the angel of death, used 3000 twins to conduct heinous experiments on them, mostly Jewish and Romany children. Only about 200 survived.

An estimated 1.5 million children died during the Holocaust. 1.2 million of them were Jewish and thousands were Gypsies. A Polish Catholic midwife Stanislawa Leszzynska delivered 3000 babies at the Auschwitz concentration camp during the Holocaust. She herself did not survive the Camp.

Only 20% of the males born in the Soviet Union in 1923 survived the war. The Red army accused of the systemic mass rape of 2 million German women aged 13-70 years.

The German casualties were 4.3 million. William Hitler, the son of Adolf Hitler’s half-brother served in the United States Navy during the War.

The American death toll from the War was 405,399 . By comparison, an estimated 620,000 Americans died, as a result of the Civil War.

A British Engineer Robert Watt was working on the ‘Death-Ray’ that would destroy enemy aircraft using radio-waves. It evolved into the Radar on which air travel depends today. American factories produced 300.000 aircraft during the war.

In the 1928 elections, less than 3% of the Germans voted for the Nazi party. The Nazi party made significant electoral gains and became the largest party in the 1932 election. In 1938, Hitler was Time’s magazine man of the year.

Then and now, humans are thirsty and crying out for Humanity. Those who have seen war, will never stop seeing it. War ends nothing……..