We all look forward to a weekend of repose, quietness, inertness as if the rest of the week was an encumbrance. Requiescence is what we look for on weekends. Somehow once our our desire of a quiet weekend is fulfilled, it leads to a feeling of superfluousness and squandering away our life. Should our goal not be to have a life of requiescence without feeling superfluous and inadequate? That means that we have to make our work, house chores, sweating away at a gym, maintaining relationships, cooking elaborately and every tedious task we can think of as a pleasurable and peaceful activity. Is that wishful thinking? I do not think so. It is the purpose behind every action, which decides what that action does to us. If the purpose is purposeful, we have the quietness and pleasure of working hard. Let’s compare a movie director who wants to make a movie for fame and money as opposed to having the goal of making a personally satisfying and meaningful movie. All the work that is driven by superfluous purpose behind it, makes life exhausting and tedious. I adopted the purpose of my work in the corporate world to be the same as my Supervisor, which he explained to me that we have the awesome responsibility to take care of all our colleagues who work for us and make the company and the people who work for it, to survive and thrive, and give us all the ability to provide for all our families and bring happiness to our nests. Just the change in purpose made all the travel and worries associated with my work a purposeful, satisfying and far from a tedious activity. After years of toiling away at the Gym and trying all sorts of diets and failing time and again to become healthier, I changed my purpose and now I am finally on the road to be healthier. I live in my body which takes care of me. I owe it to the house that I live in, my body, to take care of it, just like it takes care of me. Exercise is not tedious anymore. I did not want to nourish my homestead in which my consciousness lives, ie my body, with animals who are killed so that I can cook and eat death. Becoming a Vegan has been a very easy transition, once the purpose changed. Mopping the floors is exercise to me and not a chore anymore. Trying to repair relationships with people who are not disposed to do so, does not fit into my purpose anymore. I love to cook elaborate meals now. The purpose to cook now is not to put food on the table anymore but is intimacy and fellowship………