Prudence by its very definition is the ability to govern and discipline oneself by the use of reason. Does exhibiting Prudence at all times lead us to live a better life or does it prevent us from living a full life? Does it prevent us from being spontaneous, take away from the moment because we are reasoning with ourselves at all times, preventing us from sailing or jumping or going in any direction in case the actions may be undisciplined even though they may not be? Maybe Prudence keeps us on a straight and untroubled path but how do we know that life is supposed to follow such a path? None of us can or should advocate for Imprudence. However, the immense burden of Prudence may end up resulting in Imprudent acts. I have myself seen gross injustice being done to a fellow being. Rather than rushing into action, I weighed the pros and cons of intervening and the effect on my family etc. The improper reasoning leads me to walk away and then think to myself that my action was prudent and mature. Was it really? Is the so-called Prudent behavior by all of us the underlying cause of all the ills in this world from hunger to racism to violence to intolerance to wars? Prudence after all should not prevent me from knocking on the door of a house where I sense need or trouble or prevent me from dancing and singing when I feel like it or intervene intense situations which do not involve me. But it does. The anchor of what I perceive to be the prudent thing to do, keeps me anchored to myself and prevents me towards working for a better world that I live in. The magnitude of the weight of Prudence put on me by myself and the society I live in has perhaps made me a lesser human Being. Maybe I should attempt to be less Prudent and therefore more human……..
Hello, Stumbled on your blog online. Good Read! Interested to know why being prudent makes you a lesser human being? The very fact that you have fears, love for family, and a want to be better..makes you as human as a human can be…. Perhaps being anchored by prudence is the difference between people who are civil and use dialogue to convey their facts and emotions than the ones who resolve to violence….. Discipline is important to life….weighing pros and cons is necessary…Sometimes the “right” thing is subjective to situations. Today it feels right to do something but is it… Read more »
Thank you for your comments. I had wanted to go to Africa when the Ebola outbreak happened. I want to adopt an orphan. However when I prudently think about it and the potential negative effect it may have on my Family, I do not end up doing it. Prudence prevents me from doing something which all of us can agree is the right thing to do. How could that be right?