A diamond is forever. Right? Let’s say you buy something precious like jewelry, an expensive watch, a yacht. Does your desire to buy anything more get satisfied? Do you desire no more? If you have something that is very precious, then why would you want more of it? If you feel and hold your marriage relationship to be precious, you would cultivate it, but not want more. It is all that you need. Is a wedding ring with diamonds, more precious than a simple steel ring? If so, diamonds are more precious than the relationship itself. If the relationship is precious, a steel ring will suffice. If not, there are not enough diamonds in the world to make the relationship precious enough. Preciousness is something which is so dear and enduring that you desire no more. There is no yearning, craving or ache anymore. The flame of desire estinguishes as there is no oxygen of want anymore. If what you have is not precious, you will always be thirsty and life will be like a desert with no oasis. If we do not turn off the tap of desire, how can what we have, ever be desirable? The less you want, the more you have. Maybe there is another way to look at what is precious. Anything which you possess and want more of, is craving for what is precious but don’t have. What lights up the soul, is precious indeed…….