Mindfulness is probably the most common practice that the whole world seems to be indulging in. You check out Amazon and will be overwhelmed by the number of books which promise to take you on this journey. There are meditation apps with millions of users. Everyone who practices it, swears by it. Has this movement made us more peaceful? Does the world look more calm to you? If we take a step back and think about this, mindfulness is our natural state. If we have to regain this state, we have to identify what or who the culprit is and then get rid of it. Let’s talk about the culprit. It is the constant chatter in our brain. It is ruminating about the past events, how and why they transpired and attempting to change the past which is not only immaterial but impossible. It is about falsely imagining a bleak and dark future and attempting to change it. We have become bees which seek poison, wherever we can find it and avoid nectar. We are ruminating over scenarios which did not transpire and probably never will. The solution therefore does not lie in practicing mindfulness but to get rid of the chatter which has overwhelmed our being. Mindfulness is forcing us to avoid chatter but not eliminate it. Perhaps chatter will stop if there is acceptance of the course of life as is. Changing the course does not work anyways. The chatter stops, when acceptance happens and then mindfulness prevails. It is the easiest type of existence……..