I cherish the memories of singing a lullaby often to my children when they were young as they went to sleep they would at times lull me into peaceful sleep as I sang to my son and daughter. At first, there would be a hint of a smile on their face. They would visibly relax as would I, as they listened to and I sang the lullaby with hardly a trace of melody but an abundance of love. I would sing the same few lullabies again and again till they melted into sleep. My parents did the same for me. I do not remember the lullabies, but I do remember the soundness of my sleep as a child. I knew my children were grown up when they did not want my lullabies anymore. They protested if I tried to sing one. They still slept soundly without the love of my lullabies but I could not sleep as well without singing one. Could the purest expression of love be singing or listening to a lullaby in all of its inglorious cacophonies imperfection? I do not want somber music at my memorial when the time comes. It is not befitting to the occasion. I want a lullaby or two to be sung and then will rest in peace…….