I was reading a book last night. I finished the book but there were four more pages that were blank. I turned those pages but they were empty. I stared at the last bare page for a long time. It was uninhabited by words or meaning. The aimlessness of the page took me to the lacuna of my mind. I so enjoyed my time in the lacuna, that when the thoughts attacked me, I fought back to let the lacuna survive and not be fleeting. I slept really well last night. On waking up in the morning, when a million thoughts beckon me, I chose to keep them at bay and strived to be aimless and meaningless for some time. Subsequently, when the day soaked in, I did not particularly relish it. Throughout the day today, I have tried to be vacant rather than exhausting myself in the pursuit of, I do not know what. The vacant moments have led me today, to be more purposeful, rather than trivial. The day has been more available to me than usual. I have been more engaged with today rather than tomorrow. Maybe the blankness launches us into living life, rather than being a horse with blinders on, racing through and towards the emptiness. The sheer nothingness of the mind is perhaps the reservoir of infinite possibilities……….