In a debate, the truth is supposed to be the goal, not victory. When victory is the goal, at the expense of truth, it is a brawl. When leaders indulge in a brawl, it is an insult to the people, who have chosen those leaders to represent them. A discourse is supposed to lead to more ways of thinking, and producing meaning. It is supposed to enhance all the participants, including the audience. It is not supposed to be a repugnant dual. Parlance is what keeps a society, civic. There are a lot of disagreements in life. If individuals on either side of the disagreement think for a minute, whether they are right or wrong, most disputes would be resolved and the relationships would deepen. However we are vicious about proving ourselves right, and the other person wrong, not even considering for a second that we ourselves may be wrong. As humans, the chances of us being right or wrong is 50%, more or less. Being ferocious to prove a wrong, right rather than having remorse about it is inhuman. Narcissism is like a tightening noose which squeezes out a person’s life, even before they die……..