

We humans have become inured to inhuman behavior. We are now inured to violence at schools and injustice of all sorts in society at large. We have created a society where 800,000 people die due to suicide every year and are one of the leading causes of death in 15-29 year-olds. We have become inured to the fact that we live in a country and a world that is involved in an armed conflict that has been going on for more than a decade and people are dying. There is still rampant hunger, oppression, and lack of basic human needs across all borders. Our inured sensibility has to lead to wealth inequality never seen before. In our country, the bottom 80% of the population has to subsist on 7% of the wealth of this wealthy country. How did we get here? Is this progress? Have we created an uncivilized world that is numb to its present and future? Are we human anymore? Is this inured sensibility that humans have imbibed leading us to this point where a lot of us can live without guilt while the majority of people and families are in pain? What’s the solution? Perhaps the first step is to wake up from our inured slumber. Only then will the realization of guilt by our new selves lead us to be more human…….