

Our life is made up of a string of ephemeral moments, thoughts, emotions, events and relationships. The present moment is now gone and the coming moment will be in the shadow of the following moment as soon as it dawns. That is the cursory nature of time itself. The past is the past. The present will be in the past in the future. The future will belong to the past too, as soon as it passes. A movie is made up of frames which follow the previous ones. Usually it is 60 frames a second. No two frames are the same. However a frame by itself makes no sense but all the fleeting frames in the right order, tells a story capable of taking us on an infinite journey. Every ephemeral moment of our life is like a blended web of what happened in that moment and the thought or emotion that accompanied it and is interlaced with the ephemeral moments of everything and every person around us leading to evolving or devolving relationships. There is no constant in any sense of the word, which is what a lot of us strive for and fight for in life. It is all about the fleeting instant. An airplane is never in the same coordinates in two different moments while flying. It flies through the clouds, different elevations and over different places, turbulent at times till the journey, short or long, is complete. So is life………