

What is it about large groups of people getting together to create mayhem? People try to hide this despicable behavior, behind a grievances that they may have or even patriotism. This behavior actually tends to weaken the cause behind it and takes away the morality of even a just cause. Why makes a collective of […]



A willingness to take bold risks leads to new discoveries, places, relationships, thoughts, emotions and most importantly a well- lived life. I do not know about you, but I have always played it safe, explaining this behavior as logical and measured. Whenever my life has enhanced significantly, it has been a result of taking a […]



There must have been a time in the evolution of humans, that snobbery did not exist. As the structure of society changed, snobbery surfaced. A snob is a pejorative term for a person who equates social status with human worth. This leads them to feel superior to people who belong to the lower social classes, […]



On October 11th, as I wrote in my blog, I had committed myself on a journey of my own personal renaissance and the process of metamorphosis, rather than incremental changes and live more than one vigrous life in a lifetime.. Time stays long enough for anyone who will use it. The journey so far has […]



We go on a vacation and run from one landmark to another, so that we can pose for a photograph to preserve the memories forever. We share it on social media and get likes, which makes us feel good. Yikes! Is that what a vacation is all about? Last year, my wife and I were […]



Europe saw the renaissance, a transitional movement between the medieval and modern times from the 14th to the 17th century. This period saw vigorous artistic and intellectual activity. It was almost like a revival or rebirth of mankind and immense strides were made in all directions. It was my 56th birthday yesterday. My brother-in-law posed […]



It was my 8th birthday. I remember that sometime during the evening, I was surrounded by elders. I got a large bar of chocolate. I decided that I will eat only one square a day so that it lasts me a long time. I was gifted some money which I pocketed with glee. A lot […]



In a debate, the truth is supposed to be the goal, not victory. When victory is the goal, at the expense of truth, it is a brawl. When leaders indulge in a brawl, it is an insult to the people, who have chosen those leaders to represent them. A discourse is supposed to lead to […]



During these times of isolation, I have been cultivating and growing a lot of vegetables. The success has been limited but immensely rewarding. I tilled the soil, made manure out of kitchen waste, planted the seeds, watered with regularity, and was rewarded with eggplants, chilies, tomatoes, rosemary, and a total of only 6 amazing pea […]



The first time I imbibed alcohol, it tasted disgusting. It was way before I was of legal age. There was fear of my parents finding out about it. Also there was guilt involved. There was nothing great about the experience. However it was a euphoric experience for me and my accomplices in crime, accompanied by […]