
It is a complete travesty of human life to live in our erstwhile past. Our present and our future are usually drowned in our erstwhile fears, rivals, pains, and beliefs. Every day is a new day but alas we spend it in our bygone lives. What makes it worse is that we use our erstwhileContinue reading “Erstwhile”


I have had this feeling of unfocused dread or deep anxiety all day today about the human condition and the state of the world in general. It is mixed with frustration and apprehension. None of these feelings existed yesterday but the human condition and the state of the world are about the same today asContinue reading “Angst”


Eternity is usually thought of as an infinite amount of time or forever. Eternity in my opinion is probably something that is outside the preview of time. An infinite amount of time has to be finite since everything changes with time, even the cosmos. How could anything be everlasting if the ‘within’ is changing allContinue reading “Eternity”