Trust is a firm belief in the character, strength, or truth of someone or something.It is about faith in someone or something. We all have had the pleasure of a trusting relationship which makes you feel secure and happy. Unfortunately I have also felt the stab of people whom you trust, but they were not worth of the faith you had in them. Some people become distrustful, after such an episode. They find it difficult to trust again. If we lose the capacity to trust, life would be like living in a war zone where danger lurks around every corner. If we succumb to such a life, the untrustworthy person has won and you have lost. I suppose, life is about keeping the faith in the decency of mankind and not succumb to the corrosive effect of bad experiences. Knowing that there are people who have your back in life is very comforting. Let us just be wary of the people who stab you in the back rather than perceive that everyone may be a back stabber. We trust that there will be the dawn of the Sun every morning, which helps us navigate the dark of the night. I am not going to let the wounds of betrayal take away the comforting cloak of trust…….