We all ruminate over the pros and cons of all the actions that we take in our lives. Sometimes we don’t and act spontaneously. Are the decisions taken after days of rumination any better than the decisions that are taken which appeal to our hearts rather than our minds? Does rumination result in taking a selfish decision for one’s own good without care for others? Does the taxing nature of rumination lead to inaction a lot of times? Ruminating over a decision is only useful if we set out the goal of what we want to achieve by taking a specific decision. The goal could be that the action will deliver a personal benefit or peace. Maybe benefit to society or perhaps destruction is the goal. Rumination does not lead to a better decision but delivers the goal whatever it may be, good or evil. Then there are events in life that lead us to ruminate. The death of someone who is dear to us always leads us to ruminate about life. Heartache does the same. If we ruminate over a mistake we make, it leads to a sincere apology. Rumination is good only if our heart is in the right place…….