Europe saw the renaissance, a transitional movement between the medieval and modern times from the 14th to the 17th century. This period saw vigorous artistic and intellectual activity. It was almost like a revival or rebirth of mankind and immense strides were made in all directions. It was my 56th birthday yesterday. My brother-in-law posed a question to me. What do you want to do with the rest of your life? I gave an answer which appeared adequate at that time, about seeking joy rather than happiness, being more comfortable with myself etc. I have been thinking a lot overnight. We all strive to get rid of bad habits, get into better shape, better relationships, gratefulness etc. The incremental changes lead us to be a better version of ourselves. This is a journey that I have been on for sure. No more. I want a personal renaissance, a rebirth, a revival starting today. Incremental changes would have kept us in medieval times. It is never too late. I am going to leave my former self behind. A caterpillar becomes a butterfly through metamorphosis. Some believe in the rebirth after death. Why not now? My rebirth in life is going to be unconsciously dictated by my aspirational self. We can live more than one life in a lifetime. I am excited and new again. The old has been discarded in the process of metamorphosis. I will seek your help in the process. My renaissance has begun. I exist in time. Time stays long enough for anyone who will use it. An airplane is always safe at the airport gate, but that is not why it was built. It seeks the unsafe skies and new places. I hope I am brave enough. I do not want to endure. I want to live a few lives vigorously before I go………