It is the feathers that let the birds take flight and play in the sky. They seek food and water as they fly from place to place. The feathers provide the warmth in cold climes as the birds sing in abandon. The feathers make up the plumage that beckon their mates. The feathers embrace the being within as they live, converse, travel, play, sing and nest till their life’s end. We as humans seek all that the birds do, but seek it all so differently since we are bereft of feathers. We wear fur etc for the warmth or ignite a fire. We seek, but cannot provide the warmth to our own selves but can do so to others, by sharing and caring. We can take others to places of happiness, or sadness, as we communicate with or without words. As humans we play and sing, side by side, with each other like a symphony where no instrument is distinct, but the harmony itself soars and takes us all on a flight to new heights. We do all that the birds do and more. We do not have our own feathers, but each one of us are feathers to others. We are featherless as humans. But as a society, we have the wind beneath our wings and the sky is the limit. I am only talking of a just society. In an unjust society, we pluck away each other’s feathers, bereft of flight and full of plight. We give angels, wings in our imagination. We are all capable of being demons. We are all capable of being angels. The choice is ours. Feathers appear when the angels are near………