Eternity is usually thought of as an infinite amount of time or forever. Eternity in my opinion is probably something that is outside the preview of time. An infinite amount of time has to be finite since everything changes with time, even the cosmos. How could anything be everlasting if the ‘within’ is changing all the time? Eternal love is love that never ends. Does it exist? Is buying an expensive gift for your spouse a sign of eternal love? If so, then how is it possible that the lack of an expected gift brings about grief in an eternal relationship? Is unconditional love, if it exists, eternal as it is not bound by things or the passage of time? The turbulence when traveling in an airplane always seems to last for an eternity even if it lasts only for a minute because we don’t know how long it will last when it is happening. Is the emotion of eternity a result of not knowing when something will end and therefore appears eternal while it lasts? Holding onto something which is lost always leads to eternal unhappiness. Doesn’t the prayer and hope of anything lasting for an eternity result in endless misery since nothing is eternal? An eternity is perhaps not about endless time but a decision that something is eternal till it is not……