Everything I see, think, touch or feel is an Enigma to me. It is enchanting to smell a rose. However how the scent is created and evolved and is so unique is a mystery to me. Having a lovely dinner with family and friends irrespective of the quality of food is sublime to me. How it takes me to a different mental space is an enigma to me. How dreams occur and effect me is a beautiful conundrum. A simple phone call can make me soar into the sky, although the conversation was not pretty but the vibe was warm. Isn’t that a paradoxical enigma? People who do not believe in God are an enigma to me, as are the people who do believe in God. There was a time in my life, when nothing was an enigma to me. It was not because I knew everything and nothing was a mystery to me. It was because I was seeking worth, acting on impulse, reacting to slight. I was existing but not living my life and fighting to survive and thrive, but no-one was fighting me. Was my fight with myself and I was my own enemy? Life was empty and nothing was an enigma. Thankfully I grew through it and life became full and everything became a mystery, an enigma. Once you consider every object, feeling, relationship and life itself an enigma, life becomes magical……