We can buy so many emollients which soothe the skin. The ingredients range from Glycerol, Hyaluronic acid to Coconut oil and Argan oil. They come in all sorts of packages and everyone has their own favorite emollient. The skin suffers if an emollient is not applied and can even crack. It is a multi-billion dollar industry as we all try to take care of our skin. Is there an emollient for the soul? Does it exist? Can it be bought? The answer to the last question is obvious. We can buy an emollient for the skin but money cannot buy an emollient for the soul. There is no chemical or substance which can preserve or give vitality to our soul. I know of a million things that crack my soul but I am not sure how to soothe it. I do not have an emollient for it. It does not seem to be related to everyday emotions either. How can I find something when I am not sure what I am looking for? However, I do feel a need for it. I may not be looking for water, but that does not mean, that I am not thirsty. Maybe I should train my mind and soul to process life, as it is, rather than what I want it to be……..