

During these times of isolation, I have been cultivating and growing a lot of vegetables. The success has been limited but immensely rewarding. I tilled the soil, made manure out of kitchen waste, planted the seeds, watered with regularity, and was rewarded with eggplants, chilies, tomatoes, rosemary, and a total of only 6 amazing pea pods. All the plants are now gone except for the eggplant but a new season awaits me. It got me thinking. If I am cultivating my vegetable patch, should I not be cultivating my life? Where do I start and what do I cultivate? Some thoughts are crystallizing but I also want to hear from you. I have three ingredients that I am made of, which I need to cultivate, my mind, body, and soul. We cultivate our mind by learning about the world around us, reading books, getting advice from others, critical thinking, planning a future, learning from the past, course correction, and then our mind blossoms within. We cultivate our body with good nourishment, exercise, touch, rest, sleep, as it tries to walk with us for our lifetime. Our soul or set of values is what we cultivate with our moral compass, giving, receiving, selfless living, sharing, and then the soul soars and uplifts us to new heights. Cultivating our mind, body, and soul is how the tree of our life grows. Hopefully, that tree gives us some peace and joy, and shade to the people around us. Whatever I may have done right in this regard has been accidental. Whatever I have not done in this regard is a regret. If you nourish and cultivate want, fame, money, power etc, you would have plenty of it, but the tree of your life would be barren, lifeless, and rootless. Life does not just happen, it is cultivated. I need to till, plow and nurture my life, and hopefully, there will be a bloom that will blossom before I go……