A ship sails smoothly only if the whole crew says ‘aye aye captain’ . When you are in something together, the solution lies in working together. If only some people took vaccines, no disease could have been eradicated and people would still have been dying of small pox. Skyscrapers are erected as scores of workers with different skills, coordinate with everyone else. Saying yes opens up the doors of infinite possibilities. Time and again I have reluctantly agreed to do an activity my wife has wanted me to do. On all the occasions I said aye, it broadened my horizons and the universe of my experiences, broadened. More often that not, I said no, shutting the door on myself to the vastness of life. Only recently have I started saying aye to my own self. Most of the time in my adult life, when I told myself to exercise, I said an emphatic no. When wanting to learn a music instrument, I said nah. I have always had an itch to live by the beach in a foreign country for a month, and I told myself, hell no. I have never said no to work. I have mostly said no to life. How does that make any sense? Only if I say aye to myself, can I live in the possibility of…..