Since the dawn of humans, they have been making weapons. The early weapons may have been sharp stones. The weapons continued to evolve from knives and spears to guns and missiles. That did not prove to be enough and there are now nuclear weapons and chemical warfare. The variety and the number of weapons are how individuals and nations demand respect and exert their might. Even religious battles have been fought throughout history. There are enough armaments in this world to destroy all of mankind. How can we call ourselves an evolved species rather than a very primitive species? We are by no means done. We are now engaged in a fight with the planet on which we live, threatening earth with our wasteful way of life using the weapons of plastics and carbon dioxide. We, humans, weaponize everything including religion, lust for power, economic sanctions, national pride which we deploy on each other. Our armamentarium for destruction is immense and Humankind is still not satisfied. Armaments get us nowhere. It does not secure peace or safety. There is no purpose to it. It is irrational and inane. It only perpetuates an arms race while threatening and risking all of mankind and more. There is only one weapon we need that brings about peace, safety, and prosperity. It always disarms the enemy. It changes a foe to a friend. It is the most powerful weapon and we all have it. It saps the hate within and everywhere. Love for everyone……..