I have had this feeling of unfocused dread or deep anxiety all day today about the human condition and the state of the world in general. It is mixed with frustration and apprehension. None of these feelings existed yesterday but the human condition and the state of the world are about the same today as it was yesterday. It may be better in some respects and worse in other respects. I am sure that a lot of babies were born between yesterday and today and a lot of people died overnight. The world goes on. But my perception of the world has changed so dramatically and for the worse overnight. Since the world is about the same, this change must be about me. What is the cause of this inner turmoil? There is this thought that is coming to me which may be the answer. There have been times when the world around me was in actual turmoil, but given my feeling of closeness and the support of my near and dear ones, the world appeared calm and while there was the reason for angst, I felt none. By the same token, I have been feeling distant and not very connected or close to a dear person in my life yesterday or today and therefore the whole world feels different to me. Unlike other animals, we humans are not guided only by instinct. Our relationships can make us view the whole world very differently. For better or for worse……