
Nothing in life, good or bad, is permanent. There is no thought, event, emotion, thing, or being that is permanent. Impermanence is the rule. The elation or pain of impermanence is the meaning of existence itself. That is what ‘feeling alive’ is all about. There is nothing that can be held onto given that all is impermanent. Most of us, if not all, fight the law of Impermanence and want things, relationships, life itself to be permanent and fight to achieve that. Even the thought of Impermanence scares us and makes us sad. How can we live a life if we are fighting and refuse to accept the very rule that dictates life itself? Impermanence is not all sadness. It is not all Joy. It is existence itself. A wound does not last forever. It heals. Darkness changes into the light of day and that too everyday. Then why do we fight for permanence and not embrace Impermanence? I am thankful that as an Individual, my inner and outer life, continues to change and is not static. And if we change in the right direction, isn’t that the goal of life itself? We are born unripe and hope to be ripe when death comes to us. At least that’s what we should strive for or not……